
Water/Wastewater Featured Projects

December 7, 2023
Iowa American Water Projects
By Illinois Capitol Development Board December 7, 2023
HEI was selected by the Capitol Development Board to provide engineering services to upgrade the sewage systems at both the eastbound and westbound Pride of the Prairie Rest Areas on I-74 near Argenta, IL. The existing treatment facility at both rest areas consist of Wisconsin Mounds. The upgrades to the sewage systems included the demolition and replacement of the treatment mounds to new standards and dimensions, removal and replacement of the exterior sanitary sewers, replacement of the pump stations which load the mounds including new pumps, lift stations, controls, and wiring.
By City of Virden, Illinois December 7, 2023
HEI provided engineering services for the rehabilitation of the north treatment plant activated sludge unit. The project includes the removal and replacement of all components of the activated sludge unit interior including the steel bulkheads, clarifier wall and grout, air supply lines and bubblers, influent and drain piping, access catwalk and approach stairway, clarifier drive motor, motor control center, associated electrical and collateral work. Preparation and re-coating of the concrete tank and access stairway to remain in place along with the replacement of the telescopic valve which regulates the water level in the polishing pond.
By Galesburg Sanitary District, Illinois December 7, 2023
Galesburg Sanitary District invited HEI to provide preliminary and construction engineering services including the preparation of plans, specifications, estimates and full construction oversight for the lining of 2500' of sewer interceptor. The existing brick interceptor varied in size and shape from 42"-48" round to more rectangular shapes of equivalent area. HEI utilized a cured-in-place lining system to rehabilitate the sewer. This project was complicated by the 4-5 million gallons of flow that would need to be bypass pumped during cleaning and lining operations and by the location of the interceptor being under the floor of a large concrete storm water channel.
By Galesburg Sanitary District, Illinois December 7, 2023
HEI was selected by the Galesburg Sanitary District to analyze options and provide preliminary and construction engineering services for the rehabilitation of 1000' of sewer interceptor. The existing sewer interceptor was a 3' high by 6' wide box section constructed of precast concrete box culverts. The box culvert joints were leaking and causing significant infiltration. The sanitary district asked HEI to analyze options including different types of lining, replacement, and joint repair.

Water/Wastewater Services

  • Raw Water Supply Studies
  • Design of Raw Water Transmission Lines
  • Design of Potable Water Transmission Lines
  • Operational Studies & Troubleshooting
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Project Funding Assistance
  • Elevated Water Storage Tank Design
  • Potable Water Distribution System Expansion Studies
  • Facilities Planning Studies
  • Wastewater Treatment Process Design
  • Wastewater Collection System Design
  • Sewage Pumping Station/Force Main Design
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Project Funding Assistance
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